It is quite normal when a client says “I don’t like it” in the first, second and even in the third time. It is a workflow of finding the best creative solution. But it is not normal, when you hear the same again and aigain, whatever you suggest. If you can’t say “Stop, do this, it will be great for you” in time, you are risking to become a slave.
Type #1. Safety lovers
I know two types of people. Some of them always agree with a client. They are finding compromise, the most relevant and safe way out. This kind of people is really unhappy. They do what they do not wanna do. They do not even create an advertising — a client creates it with their hands.
Clients of such agencies are not happy, too. They don’t see a powerfull point of view, don’t see any athority in the agency. That is why they try to make something by themselves. But as they are not professionals, they don’t get a professional result.
I don’t understand, why agencies who create absolutely safe and faceless solutions are named cleint oriented agencies. And I don’t understand, why clients choose such agencies. What for? To do the same, that somebody have already done 10 years ago, and you know it wasn’t so bad as it might be? Who you wanna suprise with this?
Type #2. Extreme lovers
It is a real extreme to say to a client that he is wrong. But if you do this, you will feel how your client changes his demeanor. He will start listen to your arguments and respect your opinion. Of course, if you are not so stupid to suggest stupid ideas. And if you are a clever one, you will surtenly get chance to explain how your idea works.
In this script the brand and the agecy will get a smart, brilliant conception. And I’m sure, it will attract new customers to the client and new smart clients to the agency. New clients would like to do something smart and non-standart, too. Because they remember your previous ad. So, everybody are happy.
So what?
Dear clients, let your agencies do something what they like. Just try to understand it. Mostly, all fresh ideas sound strange. But don’t you need fresh?
Dear agencies, just be brave. Don’t be namby-pambies. Nobody hears to namby-pambies. And nobody wanna stay with them for a long time.
And now, let’s go work and do a trully creative stuff with the help of each other.